Servant of Beauty by Anthony C. Wood

Servant of Beauty

Landmarks, Secret Love, and the
Unimagined Life of an Unsung New York Hero

Anthony Wood, Author Anthony C. Wood

Servant of Beauty: Landmarks, Secret Love, and the Unimagined Life of an Unsung New York Hero is the true story of the interplay between the two all-consuming passions of this unheralded civic champion: his love of beauty in the public realm that would forever change New York City, and his love for a younger man that would forever change Bard. 

Anthony C. Wood

Anthony C. Wood is a nationally recognized preservationist who started as a preservation advocate in New York City and has gone on to work for, found, serve on the board of, and chair preservation organizations including Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, the Preservation League of New York State, and Partners for Sacred Places, winning awards such as the 2020 New York Landmarks Conservancy Lucy G. Moses Award for Preservation Leadership. He has served on the adjunct faculty at Columbia University and he founded the non-profit New York Preservation Archive Project, whose mission is to document, preserve, and celebrate the history of preservation in New York. Wood is also the award-winning author of Preserving New York: Winning the Right to Protect a City’s Landmark (Routledge, 2008), and has been featured in several documentaries.


A spellbinding biography of Albert Bard, one of New York City’s greatest civic activists, laced with a fascinating twist of espionage. While Bard was helping to preserve the city — even fighting against the ‘power broker’ himself Robert Moses — he was privately dealing with an international scandal. Anthony Wood excavates a most extraordinary story from the shadows of history, not only rescuing a forgotten figure of American culture but discovering new and even provocative new details about his life. Servant of Beauty provides a captivating snapshot of public action and private lives in the mid 20th century.

— Greg Young, Writer, Co-creator and Host of the Bowery Boys Podcast

Anthony C. Wood not only provides a thorough history of pioneering preservationist Albert Bard whose advocacy ultimately created the New York City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission, but he uncovers the secret story of a gay man whose life had to be hidden from all of his colleagues. Wood adds an important layer to our understanding of the character of early preservation activists by making tangible the previously invisible life of a prominent civic leader.

— Andrew S. Dolkart, Co-Founder, NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project

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