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Preservation History in Quotes: Advocating for the Wrong Side of History

May 19, 2017

In a letter to Mayor Robert F. Wagner dated October 11, 1962, Edmund E. Thomas, President of the Real Estate Board of New York, wrote:

“The Real Estate Board of New York, Inc., wishes to place itself on record as enthusiastically supporting the recently announced plans for the redevelopment of the Pennsylvania Station and the construction of a new Madison Square Garden sports and office building complex…this project with its design by one of the nation’s leading architectural firms should prove to be a monument for the city, clearly outweighing the possible architectural loss from the demolition of the existing Pennsylvania Station.”

Above: Pennsylvania Railroad Station, New York City: Seventh Avenue and Thirty-Second Street, looking towards Long Island, Created by Hughson Hawley and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1910; Courtesy of the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division