Meet our Jeffe Fellow!
May 15, 2017
Article from the Spring 2017 Newsletter
The Archive Project is pleased to announce Anne Dearth as the 2016-2017 Jeffe Fellow. Anne comes to the Archive Project from the world of classical music, performing as a flutist in concerts around New York City and often sharing the history of her pieces while doing so. She attended the University of Michigan, where she majored in flute performance, before moving to New York City to continue her graduate studies at New York University, again in music performance. Anne has a passion for history, a keen mind for archives, training in oral history best practices, and is very excited to be working with an organization dedicated to telling the stories behind the preservation of the city she calls home.
During her fellowship, Anne is working primarily with the oral history archive preparing both new and old interviews for online publication. This involves editing interview transcripts for accuracy and consistency, writing abstracts, securing missing release forms, and editing audio or video before uploading these resources to the organization’s website. The ultimate goal is to complete the final steps in preparing up to 30 oral histories for publication online, where they will join the larger collection that currently resides there.
We are grateful for the support of the Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Foundation for funding this fellowship.