In Memoriam: Giorgio Cavaglieri
October 14, 2007
Article from the Fall 2007 Newsletter
NYPAP joins the preservation and architecture communities in lamenting the passing of Giorgio Cavaglieri (Aug. 11, 1911– May 15, 2007). The death of this preservation pioneer attracted much attention from the media and major institutions in NYC. NYPAP was touched to see the flurry of articles that celebrated Cavaglieri’s contributions to the city and the field of preservation architecture. Along with the nearly full page obituary in The New York Times on May 18, 2007, other publications such as the Villager, which honored Cavaglieri’s role in the preservation of Jefferson Market Courthouse; the Architect’s Newspaper, which featured a particularly touching piece by Vicki Weiner, one of NYPAP’s board members; and AIArchitect, captured the importance of Cavaglieri’s lifetime of work as an architect, civic leader, and preservation activist.