Sages & Stages
October 20, 2004
4:00 PM
Neighborhood Preservation Center
Sages and Stages was a series of cross-generation themed conversations on preservation practice and philosophy. This series provided a forum for multiple generations of preservationists to learn from one another. To this end, we planned a series of four encounters, which took place at the Neighborhood Preservation Center, each one on a Wednesday in October and November 2004, one week apart. Prior to the events, we’d paired experienced preservationists with people who are newer, “rising stars” in the field. We matched each couple according to their specialization within the field of preservation. Our four categories were Historic Districts, Preservation Advocacy, Preservation Planning and Politics. We video-recorded each session, which was moderated and hosted by a third person who was an expert in the field and a board member of NYPAP. We invited people to subscribe to the series and they were fairly well attended. We feel that we were able to introduce specific historical narratives to a wider audience both through the events and the recording
The sessions were as follows:
Historic Districts
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Host: Laura Hansen
Sage: Otis Pratt Pearsall
Interviewer: Andrew Berman
Preservation Advocacy
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Host: Thom Bess
Sage: Jack Taylor
Interviewer: Kate Wood
Preservation Planning
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Host: Lisa Ackerman
Sage: Ed Kirkland
Interviewer: Eddie Nelms
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Host: Vicki Weiner
Sage: Fred Papert
Interviewer: Ken Lustbader
Neighborhood Preservation Center
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
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